Bella Lee

Room to Budge — Web Development

1 min read • Published on: Jun 7, 2023 • Tags: #projects

For INFO 340: Client-Side Web Development, my team and I created a budgeting application that aims to educate stakeholders on their spending habits.

Screenshot of project home page

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Frameworks & Languages Used

React.js, CSS, Firebase, Node.js

Design Process

Since this project was created for a web development class, we did not focus much on the design process. To view a more design-heavy project, check out my writeup for Itemize.

Though our focus was not on design, but rather the implementation of our intended functions, we still created Figma wireframes for our project. We used the first week of the course to map out our information architecture and establish a rough visual identity, then focused on learning through collaboration to bring our product as close to our vision as we could with the skills we acquired both in and out of class.

Learning Outcomes

Through this project, I learned how to:

  • Store and retrieve data using Firebase
  • Create API requests in the useEffect hook
  • Handle state more efficiently
  • Fetch data through the App component


Project created with Allyson Graylin for the University of Washington course INFO 340: Client-Side Web Development.