Bella Lee
Post thumbnail for Simply Mad Genius: The Impact of the Mad Reader on Readers

Simply Mad Genius: The Impact of the Mad Reader on Readers

11 min read • Published on: Jun 7, 2024 • Tags: #featured,#literature,#essay

This essay examines Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote and Bohumil Hrabal’s Too Loud a Solitude to uncover the role of the madman not as the author, but as the protagonist.

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Post thumbnail for The Necessity of Simplicity-Revealing Vulnerability in Love

The Necessity of Simplicity-Revealing Vulnerability in Love

12 min read • Published on: Jun 6, 2024 • Tags: #featured,#literature,#essay

In The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Kundera designs the dynamics between characters to explore the nuances of power, relationships, and love. By doing so, he ultimately demonstrates love as inevitable in the face of simplicity-revealing vulnerability.

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Post thumbnail for Kindle Highlight to MD Formatter — Web Development

Kindle Highlight to MD Formatter — Web Development

3 min read • Published on: Mar 23, 2024 • Tags: #projects

A self-indulgent tool I use to import my Kindle highlights into Obsidian.

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Post thumbnail for The Record of Us All

The Record of Us All

24 min read • Published on: Mar 11, 2024 • Tags: #featured,#prose

A post-human dystopia where a dutiful but curious automaton discovers the last remnants of humanity on Earth. A personal favorite work of mine.

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Post thumbnail for Medieval Commentary and the Interactivity of Text

Medieval Commentary and the Interactivity of Text

7 min read • Published on: Feb 24, 2024 • Tags: #essay

This paper explores medieval reading culture, the materiality of medieval manuscripts, the purpose of glosses, their impact, and how they take shape today.

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