Hello! I am a junior studying Informatics at the University of Washington. I hope to make information more accessible, intuitive, and enjoyable through my work.

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Post thumbnail for The Record of Us All

The Record of Us All

24 min read • Published on: Mar 11, 2024 • Tags: #featured,#prose

A post-human dystopia where a dutiful but curious automaton discovers the last remnants of humanity on Earth. A personal favorite work of mine.

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Post thumbnail for WindTech DFMS — Technical Writing

WindTech DFMS — Technical Writing

8 min read • Published on: Feb 4, 2024 • Tags: #featured,#projects

Non-functional requirements for a drone fleet management system (DFMS)

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Post thumbnail for Umwelt — Product Management, Marketing, Web Development

Umwelt — Product Management, Marketing, Web Development

6 min read • Published on: Oct 15, 2023 • Tags: #featured,#projects

Block out distractions with Umwelt and enjoy a hero’s journey through nature.

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Post thumbnail for Illustrations 2023

Illustrations 2023

1 min read • Published on: Aug 25, 2023 • Tags: #art,#featured

Selection of personal illustrations from 2023.

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Post thumbnail for Personal Website 2023 — UX Design, Learning Process

Personal Website 2023 — UX Design, Learning Process

2 min read • Published on: Jul 1, 2023 • Tags: #featured,#site-documentation,#projects

Process, attributions, and takeaways from designing and developing the 2023 version of my personal website.

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